Monarch of Court

Tactical Problem:  Scoring and defending

Skill development: Movement, bounce pass, marking opponent, shooting (set-shots, jump-shots, or layups)

Teaching Points
  • Create space to receive pass, avoid defender, find ways to score
  • Lateral movements, pivoting, passes (chest & bounce), dribbling, player-on-player defense, layups, set and jump shots
  • Organizational Points
    • 3 teams of 3 at a court
    • 2 of the teams play 3vs3 and the other team is on sideline when the offensive team misses the shot, fouls, or turns the ball over to the defensive team the team on the sideline comes on the court as the defensive team and the team that just gained control of the ball is now on offense. Play is continuous with the teams rotating through the three positions, getting a chance to play both offense and defense.
    • The offensive team is only allowed one chance (shot) to score. Failure to score removes them from the court. If offensive team scores they remain on offense and the sideline team replaces the defensive team as the defenders.
    • Game can have players added as the students gain more of an understanding about how to play progressing towards 5vs5 games.
    Click on image to see video clip